Health & Wellness
Conversations with friends and family at times center on health related issues. The resources on the following page links below share relevant information we have assembled pertaining to current health related topics such as the coronavirus epidemic, wearing of facial masks and medical research of interest to us that we think is good to share with our friends and family members. The pages are updated frequently, sometimes several times a day, so bookmarking is a good idea if you want a quick link to the latest information we have aggregated.
If you want to find out if someone is effective, research who is against that person, and see if their first line of attack is name-calling to set the psychological stage for their lies about the person. Dr. Mercola is one of those effective people, providing information that is invaluable at this time in human history.
This article provides insight into his character and motivation for doing what he does. His credentials are real. If you search on the internet for him, you will see he has raised the ire of globalist organizations that in no way have yours or my interest in mind. Their agenda becomes crystal clear when attacking the character and motivation of a person such as Dr. Mercola.
The list of doctors that are in the globalist's targets have become large since COVID, and Dr. Mercola, due to the efficacy of his information, his character and his success helping people is one of their most feared targets, as evidenced by globalist funded websites such as quackwatch. For thinking people, this gives perspective on the globalist claims regarding Dr. Mercola and many others, especially when one traces the money involved.
We have archived Dr. Mercola articles for research on our website that will be continually updated as we read and process them on to our website. These articles are the PDF forms of what Dr. Mercola has published on his website, they are also provided here for convenience and to ensure that there is a backup for these helpful and insight health related articles.