Helpful Websites
General Interest Support American values with every purchase. Switch to small businesses, sustain American jobs, and keep our way of life thriving. This website is the portal for how to shop in a way that does not support the globalist agenda. I found out about this resource through a Tucker Carlson podcast.
Power Outage map for Tarrant County The link is to which contains maps and current and historical outage information for Tarrant County, TX. I've got the link set to Tarrant County, TX, but there are links on the page to find power outages anywhere else in America. Oncor is our energy delivery company. Click here for their outage map, and here to report an energy outage.
ERCOT Power Grid Dashboard The ERCOT dashboards offer a snapshot of current conditions in the ERCOT system. The timestamp on each indicates when the information was last updated.
Time and Date and more! Perpetual calendar to check what the day was for a date, time zone conversions, weather, sun and moon cycles, timers, calculators of all types (e.g., calculate your age in minutes, hours or seconds to name just one), holidays, free fun stuff, all around great "utility" website to be aware of and utilize when needed.
ZIP Codes Free ZIP code lookup and map
Who Calls Me Reverse Phone Call Lookup
Fast People Search Good search engine to find out information on people that is public
White Pages Find people, contact info and background checks
TexShare Access to over 27,000 journals, over 171,000 ebooks, and over 15 million images, videos, and interactive resources.
Maps That Show How The World Really Is An interesting website that provides insight into how large or small demographics really are across the world when compared on a map.
Home School Organizations
Home School Legal Defense Association Provides tens of thousands of families the freedom to home school without having to face legal threats alone
Texas Christian Homeschool Prom Texas Christian Homeschool Prom is one of the highlights of the year for home schooled high-school students in North Texas and beyond. Each year, parents of all the home school prom goers work together to create a stellar event. Without a typical school budget or staff, the parents become the prom committee. They work throughout prom season to host dance lessons, work on keepsakes, build the incredible sets that make our prom second to none, sew, sort, stack, and serve on prom night.
NETCACHE Local organization providing Christian-based adventure, character, and leadership programs
Texas Home School Coalition Organization that advances homeschooling and protects parental rights
Technical Resources
SSL Trust Free Website Safety & Security Check is a free repair manual website that has been setup for people just like us to find out how to fix things and post how we fixed things. Great idea, it has been useful to our family. From the website: iFixit is a wiki-based site located in the United States that teaches people how to fix almost anything. Anyone can create a repair manual for a device, and anyone can also edit the existing set of manuals to improve them. Our site empowers individuals to share their technical knowledge with the rest of the world.
Music Worth Listening To
Five Time August Finally music that speaks to the culture of COVID lies and the culture like the 60's and 70's bands sometimes did! This band is going to blow some minds the right way!
Everything Else
Rupert Sheldrake Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 90 scientific papers and 9 books, and the co-author of 6 books. His books have been published in 28 languages. He was among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013, as ranked by the Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland's leading think tank. On ResearchGate, the largest scientific and academic online network, his RG score of 34.4 puts him among the top 7.5% of researchers, based on citations of his peer-reviewed publications. On Google Scholar, the many citations of his work give him a high h-index of 40, and an i10 index of 120. For ten years running he has been recognized as one of the 'most spiritually influential living people in the world' by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine. A book that presents a thoughtful and engaging way to see the reality that we live in, and the false dogma of much in science and their overlords is Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery. The version that was published in England is here, which is offered on his website.
Environmental Working Group
You have questions. We have answers. We built our consumer guides to help you learn about the hidden health dangers in your food, water and everyday products to make better decisions.
Temple Grandin Dr. Temple Grandin has a lot to say about autism and livestock. What a combination! She was named One of the Top 10 College Professors in the Country in 2020 and currently teaches at Colorado State University. Her published work in autism from an insider's view is extensive and has been instrumental in helping many people understand and leverage the unique benefits that autistic individuals bring to society. Dr. Grandin is legendary for her work in livestock handling, having designed the livestock handling systems for a majority of America's livestock processing facilities.
Chaos in the Classroom A Boston University online class by Robert L. Devaney, Department of Mathematics, demonstrating basic chaos principles. If you ever wanted to delve into how predestination can be reconciled with free will, understanding these mathematical principles will be useful. As Galileo stated many centuries ago, mathematics is the language of God, since fundamentally mathematics is essential to design, and God is the first and ultimate designer. The benefit to us in accepting this idea? Mathematics does a better job in describing the complexities of our universe in a simple manner. For a primer on Calvinism, which is not what most people think it is, read this article from Why do people not respond to facts? This is the start of a journey, and the first of a series of questions you need to ask if you want to understand what is happening in todays society. Travel differently, connect globally. The leading community for cultural exchange, working holidays and volunteering in 170 countries
Corporate Bias Ratings - An online web resource named 1792 Exchange has assessed 1,000+ companies’ policies, practices, and other relevant criteria to determine the likelihood a company will cancel a contract or client, or boycott, divest, or deny services based on views or beliefs.
The definitive list of far left-wing companies that you should boycott Excellent, kept up to date website for weighing your purchasing decisions. Also has a list of good companies to support. Detailed, specific information that will help clarify what choices are available to conservative people in America at any given time. If you think that companies ought to be held accountable for poor decisions, this is a go-to website. Also a great website covering investment strategy for conservatives.